That they may be one

Dear friends,Unity is a gift of God and inspired action of the Holy Spirit. Love and genuine openness to true spirit of prayer are what facilitate unity. They are the true pillars on which genuine unity stands. There is no real unity without love. Unity cannot be sustained without the soldering effect and power of prayer. Through prayer we access the will of God and what is acceptable to him at each giving moment. Through love we imitate God and share in the Trinitarian bond. May God give us the courage to promote the unity which Christ prayed for. Happy Sunday

Jesus Prays for us

Dear friends, Prayer is  the heart of our  life.  Jesus prays for us as our High priest. His priestly prayer bears witness that he is a man of prayer. He prayed always at various  times during his public ministry. He prayed at the critical moments – before calling his apostles,before his passion and death. it shows that no one can live without prayer. it is the lifeline of every human being despite religious affiliation or experience. One who prays operates on a higher frequency wave. Through prayer, one connects with the Divine. Jesus still prays for us his disciple. As always, he prays that we will have eternal Life. A life that is achievable from the present life. it is the real life which one gets from intimate union with the Trinity. No force or death can destroy because it is God-given. That Jesus prays for us should cherish our hearts and encourage us to let our daily action become a moment of prayer. May God always be glorified through our daily lives. Amen Happy Sunday

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